Wednesday, January 21, 2009

happy new year 2009!

gudbye 2008...many unforgettable events happened to me-weather it brings happiness,sadness,smiles,laughter or tears, may all the memories lead me to become more matured n ready to face the upcoming obstacles n challenges in the future. hope this year-2009 will make me become a better person.insyaAllah..

well..result exam ari2 pon just so-so.average je.bkk sem baru,da msk 2nd year 1st sem. i really2 have 2 study harder n smarter than b4. dis new year's resolution..2 be a hardworking aminah syahidah!yeah.. kene remember my aim-i want 2 make lots of money,have great n satisfying job,lead a well-known company,be with a loving family,make lots of friends,be a good daughter n muslimah mithali.=)

chaiyok2 diri ini! aja2 fighting! bashya!!

Ya Allah..permudahkanlah segala urusanku..

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